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37% of Orgs Said They Were the Victim of Ransomware In 2021

Though ransomware attacks are on the rise, companies have heeded the warnings and implemented precautions to protect their files and sensitive data. Here are some effective strategies that businesses are using, and you can try too:

  1. Training and Awareness Programs: Implement programs to raise awareness and train end-users about ransomware threats. Employees need to know how these attacks are delivered and how to identify them to protect your business effectively.
  2. Powerful Spam Filters: Use technologies like DMARC, SPF, and DKIM to block phishing emails and authenticate incoming emails. These filters prevent email spoofing and enhance email security.
  3. Diligent Email Practices: Train employees to scan incoming and outgoing messages for any threats or suspicious content. Filter executable files to prevent malicious attachments from reaching employees.
  4. Configure Firewalls: Set up firewalls to block access to IP addresses known for malicious intent, adding an extra layer of protection.
  5. Regular Virus and Malware Scans: Install anti-virus and anti-malware programs, scheduling regular scans on devices and programs to detect and remove potential threats.
  6. Manage Privileged Accounts: Limit administrative access to only essential employees. Instruct those with administrative accounts to use them sparingly.
  7. Configure Access Controls: Set up directory, file, and network share permissions with the principle of least privilege in mind. Grant employees access only to the files and directories they genuinely need, avoiding unnecessary permissions.

By following these simple yet effective strategies, you can bolster your company’s defenses against ransomware attacks and protect your valuable data from being held hostage by cybercriminals. Stay vigilant and keep your workforce informed about potential threats to maintain a secure business environment.

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